Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2 Swaggy P's In a Podcast

The hotly-anticipated debut of 2 Swaggy P's in a Podcast, the ONLY podcast for TRUE Clipper fans, i.e. those who remember the days of Dairus-Q headbumps, Yaroslav Korolev post-game interviews and Cuttino Mobley's beastly low-post game.


We have everything Clipper Nation has ever wished for on this podcast, including: 1) a vicious freestyle rap throwdown between Caron Butler and Dan Dickau (at about the hour mark); 2) a "F$@K Memphis" segment in which we detail our enduring love for Rudy Gay, 3) and a heated debate over whether self-respecting Clipper fans can actually root for the meth addict formerly known as Matt Barnes.

We answer ALL your Clipper-related questions and insecurities, such as "Was Jesus a Clippers fan?", "Do Blake and DeAndre have the best friendship in the NBA?", and "Who would each of us murder to keep Chris Paul?".

Please don't hate us. This podcast suffers heavily from first pancake syndrome, with the audio rough in certain places (my mic is much louder than Sky's), me laughing far too much, and Sky forgetting the name of the Sports Arena. We will get better at drunkenly operating Audacity as the season progresses.

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